Friends of Ribchester Roman Museum
The Friends of Ribchester Roman Museum (FoRRM) were officially launched at the end of March 2011. Throughout its earlier history the Museum has never benefited from the enthusiasm and effort generated by a Friends’ society so this development was long overdue. FoRRM performs the following functions:
- Provides a focus and forum for anybody interested in Roman History, especially that of Roman Ribchester.
- Helps the Museum to preserve and promote its unique and outstanding collection of locally found Roman artefacts.
- Works closely with the Museum curator in publicising the Museum and its attractions, such as organising children’s craft and activity days during the school holidays.
- Organises an annual programme of events and activities for our members, including talks, field-walking, excavations and social events.
- Helps with fundraising to support the Museum and its activities.
- Enables the Museum and its members to forge links with other similar societies and organizations.